Essential Works and Chapel Closures

Posted on 12 December 2016

The refurbishment works on The Ogden Chapel are now complete and the chapel opened on 7th December, 2016. The chapel and the building has undergone major works i.e. roofing, guttering, insulation and re-wiring of the entire chapel. The chapel has been re-decorated and is now bright and welcoming. The floor, both upstairs and down has been stripped back and re-varnished and has been restored to its former glory. All the doors to the chapel have also been re-varnished. The pews have been returned to the chapel.

The public toilets have been totally refurbished and are now modernised to a high standard, tiled from floor to ceiling.

The second phase of the project has been put back due to concerns over the weather at this time of year. It is now hoped work will commence on the Jamieson side of the building in March/April 2017.

This website will be updated as to the progress of these works.

If you have any questions or queries with regard the above please do not hesitate to contact us at –